Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mail Art Mania

I recently joined IUOMA .. International Union of Mail Artists  so that I could connect with other artists and send/receive fun art in my mailbox . Who doesn't LOVE getting cool mail !  It also inspires me to get into the studio more which can sometimes get put off time after time because life in general is too busy . If you think you might be interested in joining this group just click on the button at the top to the left of the screen. It's free and there are no "requirements" to join , though your membership does need to be approved .  Just fill out the questionaire and that's it !  There are some cool groups on there as well such as an ATC group and a Collaborative Book Arts group .. both of which I joined .  Which brings me to some ATC's that I have already created for a couple gals that I am swapping with !

I am sending out 3 to each artist ..

 I haven't made any ATC's in awhile so these were a nice change of pace !  If you decide to join IUOMA be sure to leave me a comment and let me know so that maybe we can do a swap in the future !

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't even heard about IUOMA before -- sounds interesting!
