Monday, September 5, 2011

A Second Chance

I am always my worst critic and I know many of you out there can share in this feeling .. I try not to be too hard on myself when creating my art , scrapbooking .. whatever medium I am delving into .. but with the "Soar" canvas I just wasn't thrilled with the outcome .  And so I totally reworked the whole thing and the above photo is what came about :)  Now this I can truly say I really like !  I basically just pulled out my turquoise paint and went over the whole canvas ... then went thru my collage box and chose this and that .. and it seems that for once not overthinking the completed project worked out better than the original idea I had in my head.  I'm thinking I need to be a little more carefree instead of planning out my pieces which is not what I am used to but it seems to make it all come together a little easier :)